URGENT: Stock Market Crisis Could Plummet if European House Not ...

Trust is the currency of wealth. Stock markets this week or month could free fall. We really could be plunging into the Great Depression Mark II. And, it is Europe's collective of national leaders fault. Here by regions are some history and, then signs of what may happen.

Good branding of an IT team

Meetup is an interesting site. It seeks to move an online socializing function to a local 'offline' face to face meet-up. In other words -- off Facebook and let's go get some beers!

IBM Smart Planet take on Innovation

IBM Smart Planet article on the Innovation Cities Index -- my benchmarking work for 2thinknow. I rather liked the article by Larry Dignan, Andrew Nusca.

Coffee/tea-houses and start-up density

There have been some interesting points on start-ups and for a long-time the concept of third place, third space, the virtual office -- or just the Intel Centrino with 8 hours battery ... has been both a vision and an ideal.